Revive Your Jewelry With The Right Repair Services

Got a cracked ring or a stone that went missing from the setting? No need to store away the precious jewels that you can’t adorn anymore, but you love too much to pawn. Take the help of Google and search for the best jewelry repair near me. Probe the results and visit the right jeweler to get your jewelry fixed. In a poof, it will be as good as new.

Let’s get you acquainted with the jewelry repair services accurate for your precious pieces:

Jewelry Resizing-

Jewelry resizing is by far the most common repair service one might need for their jewelry. It can be done for you lickety-split. There are a few conditions to keep in mind before getting a ring resized, such as if the ring band is too thin or the setting has a lot of stones. Bracelets, necklaces, and watches are not bound by such conditions for getting resized.

Polishing & Cleaning-

Getting your jewelry professionally polished will allow it to last a lifetime and serve as an heirloom for future generations. The best way to clean diamond rings and jewelry is to consult the top trusted Maui jewelry stores. Check the condition of your jewelry regularly and don’t try any DIY techniques because they can harm or tarnish it.

Jewelry Restoration -

It’s understandable the emotional attachment with a piece of jewelry, yours, and also the ones that were passed onto you. The usual repair routine might not be enough for such pieces, hence you should get it to a skilled artisan who may completely restore its original look, or you can get it fabricated to suit your taste and the current trends.

Stone Replacement-

It would be awkward to wear a fine piece of jewelry in an incomplete setting. You can get the stone replaced with a new one or get it remounted if you were able to save the stone. When shopping for engagement rings on Maui, make sure your jeweler provides such services as to be free from the stress of finding a new one for repairs.

Broken Chain and Clasp Repair-

If you’re clumsy or have kids, you know all too well the pain of broken clasps or chains when it is given a good yank. It happens to the best of us, but it just takes one visit to your jeweler and you can rock your treasure again. You will not have to part with your jewelry for long for this repair service.

Prong Re-tipping-

The prongs supporting the stone can experience abrasion and weaken with time, increasing the chances of the stone falling out. Especially engagement rings that are worn daily endure plenty of wear and tear. Although prongs may bend and break, they often flatten or develop a rounded appearance. In these instances, the individual prong, tip, or full set may be replaced.

Broken Shank-

After wielding the stress of long-time wear, your ring will give out, and more often than not, it breaks at the bottom of the shank. But fear not, it is just as easily repaired as sizing. For future care, avoid wearing rings at the gym or in the pool as it deteriorates the metal and makes it brittle.

You would want to go to a trusted jeweler in Hawaii who takes precious care of your jewels. NO KA ‘OI Jewelers harbors the best jewelry artisans who design stunning custom jewelry and their aftercare services are unmatched.

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